Your ecommerce processes are cross-functional but information stops flowing really fast as you start to scale.

Visualizing Information Flows is a tactic that can help.

To do this you just need to know 5 system types to create a shared way of grouping tools and then you can create a map of your business.

✍️ System of Record

What is the system of record for each team? Where is data being recorded and providing the source of truth for the data and information this team is responsible for creating and managing?

🪓 Specialist Tools

What specialist technology has been invested in to enable this team to do the job? For example, a warehouse might have a warehouse management system.

⚡️ System of Action

Specialised systems of action are focused on enabling you to record what happens but prioritise your productivity over just recording down information.

📈 Reporting & Analytics

Where is data being gathered by your team? Are you collating it manually from multiple sources into Google Sheets or do you have some reporting inside your specialist systems?

👏 Collaboration

How is information shared across the business?

How are key dates and milestones being managed? Think email, Slack, internal presentations or reports, and those weekly project updates.