the war on legacy technology is going on inside your business

the war on legacy technology is going on inside your business
what is your poison?

email to-doers Vs serious Slack'eds

excel addicts Vs G sheeters

Salesforce Vs Hubspot

Sage Vs Xero

the way we've been collaborating has been evolving since we've been working - the sands of time have been shifting at breakneck speed since we started using computers.

on email we sent files back and forth and suffered with versioning.

then we got dropbox and started sharing links to a live document.

anyone that works in a team is trying to collaborate and the feedback loops at a document level are slow and don't enable the higher-level coordination we need.

email inboxes are full.

so Slack turned up to replace email, Teams followed it.

my dislike for Slack is that is separates productivity (where we do the work) and collaboration (where we get feedback).

Slack is busy to the extent that a companies functional workflows are lagging.

Build and train people on functional workflows (where work gets done) and you have a process, rather than a dumping ground.

This is why productivity apps have been taking over inside your business.

Anyone that needs to plan, collaborate internally or externally and depends on other people to do their job craves the productivity you get from having everyone inside one system.

they flll the gap between commenting on someone's google doc and deeper collaboration in whiteboard tools like Figma and Miro.

Marketing are often the first to demand the productivity layer inside Ecommerce brands.

But almost every brand I have spent time with has challenges with:

- Multiple tools for planning
- Hard to get adoption across multiple teams
- If people don't use it for workflows they don't check it
- Becomes 'another system' to update
- Reporting layer on top of doing work rather than making work easier/faster
- Copy / pasting data between workflows
- Not linked to core business tech stack - becomes part of the dark stack
- No central control of data quality

I guess asking your team how ChatGPT can make their job easier will solve this problem for you?